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Coxswain Patrick Flaherty

Coxswain Patrick Flaherty of Galway Bay, a holder of the bronze medal for gallantry, died on the 25th of October, 1957. He received his medal for an outstanding service in August 1938, when the crew of twelve of the steam trawler Nogi, which had gone aground on one of the islands in Galway Bay, were rescued. At that time he was bowman of the life-boat and was one of four men to approach the wrecked trawler in a small boat. He was appointed bowman of the Galway Bay life-boat in 1938, second coxswain in 1943 and coxswain in 1949. He retired in 1951, and from the time of his appointment as bowman to his retirement Galway Bay life-boats were launched on service 39 times and rescued 65 lives..