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Two Motor Boats

Runswick, Yorkshire. At 7.30 on the evening of the 1st of September, 1958, two motor boats, one towing the other, left Whitby for Staithes in fine weather. There was a strong south- easterly wind, with a heavy swell and an ebb tide. At 8.15 thick fog developed, and because by 8.30 the two boats had not arrived some anxiety was felt.

There were five people on board each boat, including two women and four children, and after making enquiries the honorary secretary decided to launch the life-boat The Elliott Gill at 9.13. The life-boat found the boats near Kettleness Point. They were at anchor, and their position was a dangerous one, particularly because the tide was ebbing. Eight people were taken on board the life-boat, leaving only the two owners on board the motor boats. The life-boat took the boats in tow, but because of the dense fog the coxswain decided to anchor a short distance off until the fog cleared slightly. At 1.15 conditions improved, and the life-boat towed the boats to Runswick, where the men, women and children were landed at 2.15. Re- wards to the crew, £10 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £13 8s..