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The S.S. Kerrymore

Troon, Ayrshire. At 7.15 on the morning of the 8th of July, 1958, the coastguard told the motor mechanic that a vessel was ashore on some rocks north of Ayr. At 7.45 the life-boat James and Barbara Aitken put out. with the second coxswain in command, in a slight sea. There were light south- westerly airs with fog, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached the posi- tion and found the S.S. Kerrymore of Tralee with a crew of eight. The Kerrymore's master told the coxswain that his vessel was in no danger and would probably refloat at the next high water. The life-boat stood by until low water, and as the Ayr life-saving apparatus team had assembled on shore, the coxswain decided to return to his station, which was reached at noon.

Rewards to the crew, £9 12s..