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the Sailing Boat Dolphin

Howth, Co. Dublin. At 5.20 on the afternoon of the 1st of August, 1958, the honorary secretary was informed that the sailing boat Dolphin had cap- sized near the Bailey lighthouse. At 5.25 the life-boat R.P.L. put out in smooth sea. There was a moderate westerly wind and a flood tide. The life-boat reached the position ten min- utes before the Dun Laoghaire life-boat, which had also been launched, and took the Dolphin, which had a crew of two, in tow to Howth, arriving at 6.55.

A relation of one of those rescued made a donation to the Institution's funds and a gift to the life-boat crew. Re- wards to the crew, £7; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 4s..