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Ros Airgead

Valentia, Co. Kerry. At 8.15 on the evening of the 4th of September, 1958, a message was received from Valentia radio station that the trawler Ros Airgead needed a doctor twenty miles north of Blaskets, as one of her seamen had been badly injured. At 8.30 the life-boat Rowland Watts put out with a doctor on board in a calm sea. There was a moderate easterly wind and it was high water. The injured man was trans- ferred to the life-boat and landed at Reenard quay at 12.40, where an ambulance was waiting to take him to Tralee hospital. The life-boat reached her moorings at 1.30. Rewards to the crew, £14 18s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 16s..