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St. Helier, Jersey. At 3.35 on the morning of the 3rd of September, 1958, the harbour master told the honorary secretary that three men were marooned on the rocks at Greve d'Agette, but that they were in no immediate danger as it was low water. The police had attempted to reach them by life line, but the line had been too short. The police and the harbour master had also tried to find a suitable boat to land the men, but they had failed to do so, and at 4.25 the life-boat Elizabeth Rippon put out, towing her boarding boat.

There was a calm sea with a light vari- able wind. The life-boat reached the rocks, and the three men were taken offin the boarding boat and transferred to the life-boat. Two of the men were affected by cramp and shock, and when the life-boat reached St. Helier at 5.40 they had to be moved by stretcher to an ambulance which was waiting there. Rewards to the crew, £6 ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..