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New Life-Boats Named

THREE new life-boats were named in July, 1958. H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, President of the Institution, agreed to name two of them and her daughter, H.R.H. Princess Alexandra, named the third. The life-boats which were to be named by the President are stationed at Barra Island and Mallaig.

They were both provided out of the legacy of the late Mrs. E. M. M. Gordon Cubbin, whose legacy had already provided life-boats for Douglas and Port St. Mary in the Isle of Man.

The naming ceremony at Barra Island took place on the 8th of July in the harbour at Castlebay. The Duchess of Kent was due to fly there for the ceremony, but her aircraft was prevented by low cloud from landing on the island.

The life-boat was, therefore, named by Lord MacDonald, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Inverness, who read the speech which Her Royal Highness had intended to make.

The Rev. Father John McCormick, parish priest and chairman of the branch, was in the chair. Lieutenant-Commander W. L. G. Dutton, Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats, described the boat, which is one of the 52-feet Barnett type. Earl Howe, Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, then handed the boat over to the branch. Mr. Hugh Morrison, honorary secretary of the branch, accepting her. Lord MacDonald, before naming the life-boat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 3, arranged for a telegram to be sent to the President on behalf of those present, and Lord Saltoun, a member of the Committee of Management and chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, also spoke. The Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, the Right Rev. Kenneth Grant, then dedicated the life-boat.

The next day the weather improved and the Duchess of Kent was able to visit the station. A bouquet was presented to her by the twin daughters of Second Coxswain John MacLeod ; members of the crew and their wives and families were presented ; and the President went for a trip in the boat round Castlebay harbour.

At the naming ceremony and also during the President's visit the Castlebay Children's Choir sang the national anthem and other songs in Gaelic.

Mallaig Ceremony On the 10th of July H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent named the new Mallaig life-boat E. M. M Gordon Cubbin at a ceremony held in the harbour. A bouquet was presented to the Duchess of Kent by Miss Norna Watt, daughter of the honorary secretary of the Mallaig branch.

On this occasion Lord MacDonald was in the chair. Lieutenant-Commander Dutton again described the boat, which is also one of the 52-feet Barnett class. Earl Howe handed the life-boat over to the branch, Captain William Simpson, chairman of the branch, accepting her. Lord Saltoun proposed a vote of thanks and the Rev.

Donald McPhail, minister of the parish church, Mallaig, dedicated the lifeboat.

The singing was led by the Mallaig Church of Scotland Choir, and the President was piped to the quayside by the City of Glasgow Pipe Band, which played before and after the ceremony.

Once again the Duchess of Kent went aboard the life-boat, where the crew were presented. A guard of honour was provided by boy scouts and girl guides from Mallaig and Morar.

Torbay Ceremony The naming ceremony of the new Torbay life-boat Princess Alexandra of Kent took place at the life-boat station at Brixham on the 25th of July. This was the first life-boat to be named by Princess Alexandra, who in her speech recalled the fact that her father, the Duke of Kent, had formerly been the Institution's President and that her family had had the closest association with the service for twenty-two years.

Councillor F. P. Lee, chairman of the Brixham Urban District Council, welcomed Princess Alexandra, and after a glass tankard inscribed with the signatures of the crew had been presented to Princess Alexandra by Sea Ranger E. M. Park, daughter of the honorary secretary of the Torbay branch, Alderman T. F. Adams, president of the branch, opened the proceedings. Commander S. W. F. Bennetts, Chief Inspector of Life-boats, described the boat, which is one of the 52-feet Barnett class. Earl Howe then handed the life-boat over to the branch, Mr.

F. W. H. Park, honorary secretary of the branch, accepting her. The Bishop of Plymouth, the Right Rev. N. H.

Clarke, dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Vicar of Brixham, the Rev. H.

Yeomans, and by the Minister of the Brixham Congregational Church, the Rev. Martin Westall. A vote of thanks was proposed by Councillor A. J.

Tremeer, chairman of the Paignton Urban District Council, and seconded by Miss A. E. Armitage, president of the Brixham Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Princess Alexandra then named the life-boat and in spite of the unpleasant weather went afloat in her.

The music at the ceremony was played by the Brixham British Legion Prize Band..