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Campbeltown, Argyllshire. At 7.35 on the evening of the 24th of Septem- ber, 1958, the coastguard reported that a message had been received from the wife of a salmon fisherman at Machrihanish that a yacht was dragging her anchor in Machrihanish Bay. At 8.7 the life-boat City of Glasgow II put out in a very heavy sea. A strong north-westerly gale was blowing and the tide was flooding. The life-boat reached the area indicated at 12.30 early on the 25th of September and began an extensive search, with the help of parachute flares, but the yacht was not found. At 1.10 lights were re- ported to have been seen at the south end of Machrihanish Bay, and the life- boat made for this position. People on the beach and the life-saving appara- tus team, who were standing by, could see the yacht very close to the Skerryvore reefs. The life-boat sighted the yacht Einnan and stood by while the yacht was navigated clear of the reefs by her crew into the open sea. She then escorted her until she was clear of the Mull of Kintyre, by which time it was found that the yacht's steering was defective. The life-boat therefore towed her to Campbeltown, arriving at 11.20.

During this service communications were very difficult because of atmos- spheric conditions and valuable help was given to the coxswain by the radio operators on board the steamers Royal Scotsman and Lairds Loch. The salmon fisherman and his wife, who first reported the casualty, also gave valuable help ashore by passing information through-out the night. Rewards to the crew, £32 9s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 14s..