New Brighton, Cheshire. At 4.40 on the afternoon of the 13th of July, 1958, a report was received that a naval sea cadet whaler was in difficulties west of Perch Rock lighthouse. At 4.45 the life-boat Norman B. Corlett put out in a rough sea. A west-north- westerly gale was blowing with rain squalls, and the tide was flooding.
The life-boat made for the whaler and found that she had blown ashore and the cadets were walking over the sand.
A message was then received from Sea- forth radio station that a fishing boat was making very heavy weather about one mile west of Formby coastguard station. The life-boat found the fishing boat Cedar between C.19 and C.17 buoys and escorted her to the River Mersey. During the return journey it was seen that the sea cadet whaler had refloated and was again in diffi- culties two hundred yards east-north- east of the lighthouse. She was at anchor with seas breaking over her.
The whaler's rudder had been lost, and the crew consisting of two officers and five cadets were suffering from cold and exposure. They were taken on board the life-boat, which towed the whaler to the New Brighton stage. The life- boat reached her moorings at 7.30.
Rewards to the crew, £7 4s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 8s..