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A Longshore Boat and a Motor Boat

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk. At 2.39 on the afternoon of the 24th of August, 1958, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a party of naturalists had gone to Scroby Sands in a longshore boat and a small motor boat in the morning, but because of the freshening wind and increasing seas they were having difficulty in returning to the mainland. The honorary secretary was in the boathouse at the time with a representative of the Guatemalan government, and three minutes after the maroons were fired the life-boat W.R.A., on temporary duty at the station, was launched in a rough sea, with a moderate southerly wind blowing and a flood tide. As the life- boat left the harbour a wireless message was received that a bather was in diffi- culties off Yarmouth beach. The life- boat made for the position, but within ten minutes the bather was reported safely aboard one of the beach boats in the area. The life-boat then continued to Scroby Sands but found on arrival that the two boats had begun to leave.

One of the boats had had her propeller fouled by a rope, but this had been cleared. The life-boat escorted the boats to harbour, providing a lee for the smaller boat, and reached her station at 3.50. Rewards to the crew, £8 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3..