Advanced search

A Dinghy (3)

Mallaig, Inverness-shire. At 3.7 on the afternoon of the 28th of August, 1958, the police at Broadford reported that a small dinghy with one man on board was adrift off the south end of Palay Island, two miles north of Broadford.

At 3.15 the life-boat E. M. M. Gordon Cubbin put out, with the second cox- swain in command, in a smooth sea.

There was a moderate southerly wind and a flood tide. The life-boat carried out a search over a very wide area helped by a small boat from Broadford, and when darkness came the coxswain decided to enter Kyle. At 2.30 in the morning the life-boat resumed the search. A message was received from the coastguard giving a new position, and the boat and man were found at ten o'clock on the beach at Loch Airport.

The man left by car and the life-boat took the dinghy in tow to her station, arriving at 4.30 that afternoon.

Rewards to the crew, £44 13s..