The S.S. City of Amsterdam
Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford. At 2.50 on the morning of the 25th of May, 1958, the managing director of the owners of the S.S. City of Amsterdam, of Dublin, informed the honorary secretary that her master had collapsed on the bridge of the steamer while she was north of the Blackwater lightvessel, and that the chief officer was taking the steamer towards Rosslare Harbour.
The director asked if the life-boat would meet her with a doctor. At 3.50 the life-boat Douglas Hyde put out, with a doctor on board, in a smooth sea.
There was a moderate north-westerly wind, and it was low water. About five miles north-east of Rosslare Harbour, the life-boat went alongside the steamer and put the doctor aboard. He found that the master had had an attack of coronary thrombosis and suggested that the steamer should proceed to Rosslare and land him. A member of the life-boat's crew went aboard the City of Amsterdam to act as pilot, and the life-boat escorted her to harbour, which was reached at 5.10.
The master was taken to hospital. The owners sent a letter of appreciation and a donation to the Institution. Partly paid permanent crew. Rewards to the crew, £4 ; reward to the helper on shore, 13s..