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The Dudgeon Lightvessel (1)

Sheringham, and Cromer, Norfolk.

At 9.50 on the morning of the 31st of May, 1958, the Cromer coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary that a re- quest had been made by the Trinity House Superintendent at Great Yar- mouth for the life-boat to take a sick man off the Dudgeon lightvessel. At 10.15 the life-boat Foresters Centenary was launched, with a doctor on board, in a smooth sea. There was a light north-easterly wind and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached the lightvessel at 1.10 and the doctor went aboard. The sick man was given a sedative, strapped to a stretcher and transferred to the life-boat. About 4.40, when the life-boat was nine miles north-by-east of Sheringham, a defect occurred in the skew gear which drives the oil and water pumps. The coxswain of the Cromer no. 1 life-boat was informed, and at 4.58 the life-boat Henry Blogg was launched. She took the Sheringham life-boat in tow to her station, which was reached at seven o'clock, and arrived back at her own station at 7.40. The sick man was taken to hospital. Sheringham : rewards to the crew, £20. 16s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £24. 2s. Cromer : rewards to the crew, £14. 8s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £6. 7s.

Refunded to the Institution by Trinity House..