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Pride of Helvick

Ballycotton, Co. Cork. At 12.15 on the afternoon of the 4th of April, 1958, the motor mechanic informed the honorary secretary that a fishing boat five miles east of Ballycotton light appeared to have had her sails blown away. Ten minutes later he reported that the boat was drifting out to sea.

At 12.40 the life-boat Mary Stanford put out in a choppy sea, with a moderate north-north-westerly gale blowing with snow showers. It was low water. The life-boat reached the fishing boat Pride of Helvick three and a half miles south- east of Ballycotton light. The boat's sails had been torn and her engine had broken down. The life-boat took her in tow to Ballycotton and reached her moorings at three o'clock. Rewards to the crew, £8. 8s. ; rewaAl to the helper on shore, 14s..