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St. Ives, Cornwall. On the afternoon of the 25th of June, 1958, anxiety was felt by local fisherman for the safety of the fishing boat May, of St. Ives, as she had not returned from the fishing grounds. The wind was freshening quickly to gale force, and at 1.15 the life-boat Edgar George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched in a slight sea.

There was a strong east-south-easterly wind and it was high water. The life- boat found the May with a crew of two, one of whom was the life-boat's second coxswain, near Hare Point to the west of St. Ives. She went alongside and found the fishing boat's engines had broken down. The May was taken in tow to St. Ives harbour, which was reached at 2.30. Rewards to the crew, £7; rewards to the helpers on shore, £11. 8s.