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Valentia, Co. Kerry. At 12.10 early on the morning of the 4th of June, 1958, a message was received from the fishing boat Maria of Waterford that she was aground on Perch Rock at Portmagee.

At 12.30 the life-boat Rowland Watts put out for the first time on service in a calm sea. There was a light southerly wind and an ebb tide. The life-boat found the Maria with a very bad list to starboard and in danger of capsizing.

She had a crew of six. The life-boat anchored and put a line aboard the fishing boat as a precaution against the danger of her capsizing. At three o'clock she was refloated, and the life-boat escorted her to Portmagee, reaching her moorings at 3.30. Rewards to the crew, £7. 4s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 14s..