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Salcombe, Devon. At 11.30 on the morning of the 2nd of April, 1958, the honorary secretary was asked by the shipping agent at Plymouth if the life- boat would launch to take spare machinery parts to the motor vessel Fedala of Rotterdam. The Fedala had had an engine failure off Bolt Head and was in difficulties. The honorary secretary consented, and after the spare parts had arrived at Salcombe and been put aboard, the life-boat Samuel and Marie Parkhouse put out at 2.30 in a rough sea. There was a fresh easterly gale and a flood tide. The life-boat met the Fedala eight miles south-west of Bolt Head and transferred the machin- ery parts to her. She reached her station again at 7.15. The owners and agents expressed their thanks, made a gift to the life-boat crew and refunded to the Institution the expense of the service..