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An Aircraft

Fraserburgb, Aberdeenshire. At 9.55 on the morning of the 30th of June, 1958, the honorary secretary was in- formed that an aircraft from the Royal Naval Air Station at Lossiemouth had crashed at the Rosehearty rocket range.

At 10.7 the life-boat The Duchess of Kent was launched in a slight swell, with a light south-easterly wind blowing and a flood tide. She reached the position and found that a salmon coble, a Polish trawler and a helicopter were also searching. The life-boat joined in the search and picked up a few pieces of wreckage. Nothing else was found and the search was abandoned. The life- boat reached her station at 12.20.

Rewards to the crew, £8. 8s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1. 16s..