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A Sea Venom Aircraft

Barry Dock, Glamorganshire. At 10.20 on the morning of the 1st of May, 1958, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a Sea Venom aircraft with a crew of two had ex- ploded in the air off Lilstock one mile from the shore. The crew were summoned, but as the Minehead life- boat was also launching, the Barry Dock life-boat was not launched im- mediately, and contact was maintained by radio-telephone between the life- boats. At 12.50 it was decided to launch the Barry Dock life-boat Rachel and Mary Evans to assist in the search.

The weather was calm and it was low water. Helped by an air-sea rescue launch, the Barry Dock life-boat found some wreckage of the aircraft and took it on board. The search was abandoned at 2.55 and the life-boat reached her station at five o'clock. The Minehead life-boat was also at sea for five and a half hours. Rewards to the crew, £8 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 12s..