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Sir John Cumming

SIR JOHN GHEST GUMMING, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., died on the 9th of March, 1958, at the age of 89. He joined the Committee of Management of the Institution in 1921 and was appointed a Vice- President in 1932. He resigned from the Committee in 1956. He served for twenty-eight years on the finance committee, of which at one time he was chairman, on the general purposes and publicity Committee and on the establishment committee. He was also for a number of years chairman of the subcommittee which produces the annual report. His publications included a detailed bibliography entitled Literature of the Life-boat and, with Mr. Charles Vince, an anthology The Life-boat in Verse.

Sir John Gumming had a distinguished career in the Indian Civil Service, being a member of the Executive Council of the Governor of Bengal.

He planned and directed three important works on India, Modem India, Political India and Revealing India's Past.

In addition to his consistent and valuable services to the Life-boat Institution he also worked actively for a number of other charities, in particular Toe H.

A memorial service was held at the Crown Court Church, Covent Garden, on the 18th of March. Earl Howe, Chairman of the Committee of Management, and a number of other members of the Committee and of the staff, including the Secretary of the Institution, attended..