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Buckie, Banffshire. At 10.25 on the night of the 18th of February, 1958, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the fishing boat Seaforth of Inverness was ashore on West Muck, half a mile north of Buckie harbour. The life-boat Glencoe, Glas- gow was launched at 10.44 in a heavy swell. There was a moderate westerly wind and a flood tide. The life-boat reached the position and with the help of the searchlight found five of the crew of the Seaforth afloat on a raft. They were taken on board the life-boat, which then searched for the sixth mem- ber of the crew, who had been washed overboard before the other men had taken to the raft. He was not found, and the life-boat reached her station at 11.22. The Seaforth became a total wreck. Rewards to the crew, £8 15s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..