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Galway Bay. At 3.30 on the after- noon of the 16th of March, 1958, the honorary secretary received a message from a doctor on Clare Island requesting the use of the life-boat to take a patient from Inishturk Island to the mainland.

At four o'clock the life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson put out in a rough sea. A south-easterly gale was blowing and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached Inishturk Island at midnight and sheltered there for the night. She left at 5.30 the next morning for Clare Island, where the doctor and a priest were embarked. At 12.30 the life-boat reached Inishturk Island and took the patient on board. The patient was landed at Roonagh, Co. Mayo, at 3.30, and the doctor was then taken back to Clare Island. The life-boat put into Cleggan for the night on her return passage and finally reached her station at 3.30 on the afternoon of the 18th of March. Rewards to the crew etc., £89 10s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..