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Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. At 4.22 on the morning of the 19th of March, 1958, a message was received from the skipper of the fishing vessel Wiseman that the local fishing vessel Mayflower was ashore at Cairnbulg Point. At 4.36 the life-boat The Duchess of Kent was launched in a slight swell. There was a gentle north-easterly wind and an ebb tide. The life-boat reached the May- flower and found her high and dry on the rocks. Three of her crew were taken on board the life-boat, but three others decided to remain with their vessel. The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 6.20. At 7.30 the swell began to increase with a flooding tide, and the life-boat was launched again at 7.50 to stand by the vessel in case the three remaining members of her crew decided to abandon her. The fishing vessel Present Help followed the life-boat out of the harbour, towing a rowing boat. At ten o'clock the Mayflower's crew, who had unsuccess- fully tried to save their vessel, decided to abandon the attempt as the water was pouring through leaks in the portside, where several planks had been damaged when the vessel had struck the rocks, and the pumps could not deal with the water. The rowing boat picked up the three men and put them aboard the Present Help, which then returned to harbour accompanied by the life-boat. They reached the harbour at 10.15. 1st Service : rewards to the crew, £10 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 16s. 2nd Service : rewards to the crew, £10 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 16s..