James Bower Award
COXSWAIN MARK BATES, of Kilmore, Co. Wexford, has become the third member of a life-boat crew to receive a gift from the James Michael Bower Endowment Fund.
This fund was established in 1955 by the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. as a memorial to James Michael Bower, late third officer of the S.S. Slratheden, who lost his life in a disaster.
Awards from the fund are made to those who receive either the gold or silver medal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution for gallantry.
Coxswain Bates won his silver medal for the rescue of the crew of ten of the French trawler Auguste Maurice on the 19th/20th of December, 1957. A full account of this service appeared in the March 1958 number of the Life-boat on page 3. The name of the trawler was then given as Augusta Mariste, but a correction has since been issued by Lloyds Register of Shipping.
The first two recipients of the James Bower award were Coxswain Douglas Grant, of Selsey, and Coxswain Henry West, of Sheringham..