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Drake Dene

Clovelly, Devon. At 10.40 on the morning of the 5th of January, 1958, the coxswain told the honorary secretary that there was a small vessel in the bay flying a signal asking for medical help. As it was low water and no other vessel was afloat, the life- boat William Cantrell Ashley was launched at 10.50 with a doctor on board. There was a moderate sea with a west-north-westerly breeze. The life-boat found the motor vessel Drake Dene laden with coal on passage from Swansea to Antwerp. The doctor was put aboard the vessel and later returned with the sick seaman. They were taken on board the life-boat, which reached Clovelly at 12.10. An ambu- lance took the seaman to hospital.

Rewards to the crew, £6 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £17 13s..