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Anna Toop

Arklow, Co. Wicklow. At 11.3 on the night of the 21st of January, 1958, the motor mechanic told the honorary secretary that the owner of the steam coaster Anna Toop, of Cardiff, had in- formed him that the vessel was aground on Arklow Bank and in a dangerous position. At 11.18 the life-boat In- bhear Mor was launched in a confused sea. There was a fresh north-east wind and the tide was ebbing. The life- boat found the Anna Toop seven and a quarter miles east-south-east of Arklow.

She had a crew of nine men and a stewardess. At the request of her master the life-boat landed the steward- ess and returned to stand by the coaster.

On reaching the position she found that the coaster had refloated and was making water. The nine men were taken off and landed at Arklow, which was reached at 4.20. Rewards to the crew, £18 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 4s..