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The Tender M.F.V. 1547

Plymouth, Devon. At 12.54 on the afternoon of the 18th of October, 1957, a message was received that a naval tender was asking for help in Whitsand Bay and that the tug Superman was being sent. As no further details were known it was decided that the life- boat should also make for the position given, and at 1.12 the life-boat Thomas Forehead and Mary Rowse put out, with the second coxswain in command, in a heavy swell. There was a moderate westerly gale and the tide was ebbing.

The life-boat and the tug found the tender MFV 1547 three miles south- west of Rame Head making for Plymouth under her own power. They escorted her and the life-boat finally reached her moorings at 3.15. Re- wards to the crew, £12..