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The S.S. Thrift

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 12.23 early on the morning of the 18th of Decem- ber, 1957, the coastguard telephonedthe honorary secretary to say a vessel was ashore at Ness Point in Robin Hood's Bay. The life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 1.15 in a smooth sea, with a light south-westerly wind blowing, and a flooding tide.

The life-boat found the S.S. Thrift, of Aberdeen, with a crew of ten and stood by her until the tide had ebbed. As the steamer was then in no danger, she returned to harbour at five o'clock to allow the crew to have some food and returned to the Thrift at 6.45. She stood by until a tug had refloated the steamer and then returned to her station, arriving at 2.30. Rewards to the crew, £33 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 4s..