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The S.S. Selectivity

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Nor- folk. At 5.18 on the morning of the 4th of October, 1957, the coastguard telephoned to say there was a sick man on board the S.S. Selectivity of Lon- don. At 5.25 the life-boat LouiseStephens was launched in a slight sea with a doctor on board. There was a light west-north-westerly breeze blow- ing and the tide was flooding. The life- boat reached the ship three miles north of Gorleston. The doctor discovered the man was very ill with pleurisy, and he was taken on board the life-boat and brought ashore. An ambulance then took him to hospital. The life-boat reached her station at 6.35. Rewards to the crew, £11 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 8s..