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The S.S. lano

Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—At 12.30 early on the morning of the 4th of November, 1957, the Foreland coast- guard telephoned that a steamer anchored in Sandown Bay appeared to be dragging. The life-boat crew were alerted, and half an hour later the coast- guard reported that the steamer was sending S.O.S. signals by lamp. The life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched at 1.26 in a very rough sea. A strong south-westerly gale was blowing, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat reached the position at 3.9 and reported sighting the S.S. lano, of Genoa, at 3.48. The lano with 23 men on board was ashore at Redcliffe, and the life- boat was unable to come alongside her.

She stood by while a life-saving appara- tus team rescued the 23 men and then returned to her station, arriving at 9.39.

Rewards to the crew, £20 10s. ; re- wards to the helpers on shore, £3 5s..