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The S.S. King David

Southend-on-Sea, Essex.—At 11.56 on the morning of the 17th of Decem- ber, 1957, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a man had fallen down a hold on board the S.S.

King David, of London, and had broken both legs. The life-boat Greater London II (Civil Service No. 30) was launched at 12,35 with a doctor on board. There was a slight sea, a light west-north-westerly wind was blowing, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat came up with the King David half a mile south of West Shoebury buoy.

The doctor attended the injured man, who was taken aboard the life-boat by stretcher. He was then landed at Southend and taken to hospital by ambulance. The life-boat reached her station at 1.35. Rewards to the crew, £6 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 5s..