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Rachel and Premier

Scarborough, Yorkshire.—On the morning of the 12th of December,1957, the coxswain saw that the weather was deteriorating and asked permission of the honorary secretary to launch the life-boat to escort two fishing cobles still at sea. At 10.10 the life-boat Annie Ronald and Isabella Forrest was launched in a heavy swell. There was a moderate north-easterly gale and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat found the fishing coble Rachel, of Scar- borough, four miles east-north-east of the castle and escorted her to harbour.

She then found the coble Premier two miles east-by-south of the castle and escorted her to harbour too. The life- boat stood by the harbour entrance while four larger keel-boats entered and finally reached her station at 5.45.

Rewards to the crew, £17 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £10 4s..