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Kurt Arlt and Petrel (1)

Margate, Kent, and Southend-on-Sea, Essex.—At 5.36 on the morning of the 25th of December, 1957, the coast- guard told the honorary secretary that a collision had occurred near the south- east Girdler buoy between the motor vessel Kurt Arlt, of Bremen, and the motor vessel Petrel, of London. The Margate life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. IT) was launched at 5.55 in a smooth sea. There was a light south-westerly wind with dense fog.

The tide was ebbing. While making for the position, the life-boat received a message on her radio-telephone from the Kurt Arh that she was anchored, but she received no answer from the Petrel. The life-boat reached the Kurt Arlt and took her master to the bows to inspect the damage. As this was slight, the motor vessel continued on her passage. By this time the Southend life-boat Greater London II (Civil Ser- vice No. 30), which had been launched at 5.50, had found the Petrel. The Petrel too was only slightly damaged and needed no help. Both life-boats returned to their stations, the Margate boat arriving at 12.15 and the South- end boat at 10.20.

Margate : rewards to the crew, £18 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 4s. Southend-on-Sea ; re- wards to the crew, £18 10s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 5s..