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Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk. At six o'clock on the even- ing of the 10th of November, 1957, a message was received that the German trawler Hessen, of Bremen, had a sick man on board and that she had also asked for the services of a pilot as she had no charts of Yarmouth Roads.

The life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at 6.27 with a doctor and a pilot aboard. The sea was very rough, there was a moderate north-north- easterly gale, and the tide was flooding.

The life-boat came up with the Hessen one mile north-east of Gorton light- vessel, but the seas were too heavy to transfer the doctor and pilot. It was arranged for the Hessen to follow the life-boat into Yarmouth Roads, where, although the seas were still high, it was possible to put the doctor and pilot aboard. As it was too risky to transfer the sick man to the life-boat, the pilot decided to take the Hessen into port, where an ambulance was waiting to take the sick man and another, who had an arm injury, to hospital. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 8.47. Rewards to the crew, £13 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3..