Penlee, Cornwall.—At 10.45 on the night of the 24th of December, 1957, the honorary secretary received a message that there was an injured man who needed a doctor on board the tanker Hemisinus, of London, 150 miles south of Wolf Rock. A message was sent back that the life-boat would take out a doctor and meet the tanker three miles south of Wolf Rock lighthouse at 7.30 the next morning. At 5.30 the life- boat W. and S. was launched, with the port medical officer on board, in a smooth sea. There was a light north- westerly wind, and the tide was flood- ing. At 8.15 a message was received from the tanker that her position was 45 miles from Wolf Rock lighthouse. In reply it was suggested that she should make for Mounts Bay, where the life- boat would meet her. The life-boat reached Newlyn at 10.20 and then re- ceived a report that the patient was much worse and required a doctor immediately. The life-boat left at once and met the Hemisinus seven miles south-west of Penzance. The patient was embarked and landed at Newlyn at 12.30, and the life-boat reached her station at 3.30. Rewards to the crew, £20 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £7 13s. The owners made a donation to the Institution's funds..