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Anstruther, Fifeshire. At 11.13 on the night of the 15th of November, 1957, the coastguard reported that a vessel was making distress signals about half a mile off Anstruther harbour.

The life-boat James and Ruby Jackson was launched at 11.29 in a slight sea with a light easterly breeze blowing and an ebbing tide. The life-boat came up with the fishing boat Floradora, which had a crew of six. Her engine had broken down, and the life-boat towed her to Anstruther, where she was moored. The life-boat stood by until the Floradora was berthed in the harbour, and arrived back at her station at 6.29 on the morning of the 16th of November. Rewards to the crew, £17 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £6 2s..