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Aberdeen.—At 7.41 on the evening of the 25th of December, 1957, the coast- guard told the honorary secretary that there was a very sick man on board the coaster Amos, of Copenhagen. Her position was then 75 miles south-east of Aberdeen. The no. 1 life-boat Hilton Briggs put out, with a doctor on board, at 9.5 in a very rough sea. There was a moderate south-westerly gale and it was low water. The life-boat came up with the Amos, and after con- siderable difficulty in the rough sea the sick man was transferred to the life-boat. The coxswain made for the coast and then continued north to Aberdeen harbour, which was reached at 5.25 on the evening of the 26th of December. The sick man was then taken to hospital. The Danish Consul- General at Edinburgh sent a letter of appreciation and a gift to the crew.

Rewards to the crew, £42 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, etc., £2 8s. 6d.