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A Curragh

Galway Bay. At three o'clock on the afternoon of the 23rd of October, 1957, the honorary secretary received a request for the life-boat to make forClare Island in Clew Bay to search for a curragh, which was missing with five people on board. The curragh was on the way from Clare Island to the main- land, and it was thought that because of bad weather the five people might be sheltering on a neighbouring island.

As darkness was coming on and there was virtually no chance of finding the curragh in the particular circumstances, with no indication given of its position, the life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson started searching at four o'clock the next morning. There was a heavy swell, a strong south-westerly breeze was blowing, and the tide was flooding.

The life-boat carried out a search all day but found nothing and tied up at Clare Island pier for the night. The next morning she put out again and while searching found the body of one of the missing people. The search continued all day, and on her second night away from her station the life- boat was moored at Achill Sound pier.

On the 26th of October the search was resumed and the life-boat finally reached her station at eight o'clock that evening, having found nothing further. Rewards to the crew, £102 13s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..