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Windsor Rose

Sheringham, Norfolk.—At 7.30 on the evening of the 23rd of September, 1957, the Cromer coastguard reported that the local fishing boat Windsor Rose was making for Sheringham in very bad weather. At 7.42 the life-boat Foresters Centenary was launched in a rough sea. There was a moderate north-easterly gale and it was high water. The life-boat came up with the Windsor Rose one mile north of Cromer. Her crew of two were wear- ing life-belts, which had been passed to them earlier by the Cromer life- boat crew. Because of heavy seas the fishing boat was barely under control and the coxswain after con- siderable difficulty managed to bring the life-boat close enough for the two men to jump into her. Their fishing boat was taken in tow, but it was impossible to land at Sheringham, and after the coxswain had attached an improvised drogue to the Windsor Rose, both boats made for Skeldon Hole, where they were beached at eleven o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £16; rewards to the helpers on shore, £19..