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Valerie and the House-Boat Miranda

Skegness, Lincolnshire.—At 7.30 on the evening of the 3rd of July, 1957, the honorary secretary and coxswain saw the fishing boat Valerie in difficulties off Skegness. The Valerie was towing the house-boat Miranda. The life- boat The Cuttle was launched at 8.20 in a choppy sea. There was a moder- ate north-easterly breeze blowing and the tide was flooding. The life-boat came up with the Valerie, which had a crew of three, and found she had engine trouble. She therefore towed the Miranda to Wanfleet haven and then returned and towed the Valerie to the haven. She reached her station again at 6.15 the next morning. The owners of the Miranda made a dona- tion to the Institution's funds.— Rewards to the crew, £19 8s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 15s..