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Valerie and Miranda

Caister, Norfolk.—About noon on the 29th of July, 1957, a small boat was seen from the boathouse to be flying a distress flag. She was towing a larger vessel and appeared to be mak- ing little progress north of the north- west Scroby buoy. As the tide was beginning to ebb and the vessels were in danger of being driven on to the Scroby Sands, the life-boat Jose Neville was launched shortly afterwards.

There was a slight sea and a gentle north-westerly breeze blowing. The life-boat came up with the fishing boat Valerie, which •was towing the motor launch Miranda. The fishing boat's steering gear had failed and the two boats were running short of fuel, food and water. The life-boat took both boats in tow to the harbour and returned to her station, arriving at three o'clock. The Skegness life- boat had launched to the help of both these vessels on the 3rd of July.

—Rewards to the crew, £9 12s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £6 2s..