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The Sailing Boat Corsair

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—At 4.44 on the afternoon of the 21st of July, 1957, the coastguard telephoned to say a small sailing boat appeared to be in need of help two miles south-east of Shoreham harbour. Her crew of four were waving an oar to attract atten- tion. At 4.54 the life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched in calm weather. The tide was flood- ing and there were thundery showers.

The life-boat came up with the sailing boat Corsair, but her crew told the coxswain they did not need the life- boat and were making signals only because they could not start the out- board motor. The life-boat stood by the Corsair until another motor boat, Anne, had taken her in tow.

She then escorted both boats into Shoreham harbour and reached her station at 6.15.—Rewards to the crew, £5; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 Is..