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Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—At seven o'clock on the evening of the 17th of August, 1957, the Gorleston coastguard telephoned that a message had been received from the M.V. Seriality, of London, that her first officer had severe pains in his chest. The message asked for a doctor to meet the vessel in Yarmouth Roads.

At 7.23 the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched with a doctor on board.

There was a slight swell, a light north- westerly breeze was blowing, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat came up with the Seriality one mile east of j the harbour, and the doctor found that j the first officer had heart trouble.

He arranged for him to be taken aboard the life-boat, which landed him at her station at 8.15. An ambulance was waiting there. The master of theSeriality expressed his thanks.—Re- wards to the crew, £11 5,9.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 5.?..