P.N. 143
Lytham-Sl. Anne's, Lancashire.—At 8.50 on the evening of the 6th of July, 1957, a message was received that a small motor boat had been seen drift- ing eastwards down the Ribble estuary with her engine broken down. The life-boat Sarah Townsend Porritt put out at 9.19 in a slight sea. There was a moderate south-easterly breeze blow- ing with heavy rain. The tide was ebbing. About a mile from her station the life-boat met the motor boat, which was found to be the fishing boat P.N. 143, of Lytham, with a crew of two. Her crew had repaired her engine and the boat was returning up the estuary. The life-boat escorted her back to her moorings and reached her station again at 9.45.—Rewards to the crew, £7; reward to the helper on shore, 12*..