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Golden Galleon

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—At midnight on the 1st of August, 1957, the police telephoned to say that the motor launch Golden Galleon had not returned from a plea- sure cruise up the river. There were 180 passengers on board. The honorary secretary went to a number of points along the bank of the river to try to locate the launch but without success, and at 2.15 the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched in calm weather and very dense fog. It was high water.

The life-boat made her way up Brey- don Water and after an hour and a half reached the Golden Galleon, which had anchored because of the fog. All the children and some of the women on board the launch were taken off and put in the life-boat cabin. When the fog lifted the life-boat escorted the launch to Great Yarmouth, arriving at 8.30.—Rewards to the crew, £18 5s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 13s..