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Clarke, Chapman & Company Limited

MARINE AUXILIARII for LIFE-BOAT STATIOh Six-ton "Above Ground" type of electrically driven capstan supplied to the Royal National Life-boat Institution for hauling in the life-boat at Walmer Life-boat Station.

Similar capstans have been installed at Hastings, Clovelly and Scarborough Life-boat Stations.

Photograph by kind permission of Messrs. Lewis and Duvivier, Consulting Engineers.

CLARKE, CHAPMAN & COMPANY LIMITED V i c t o r ia Works, Gateshead 8, Co. Durham Telephone: Gateshead 72271 (10 lines) Telex: 53-239 Grams: "Cyclops" Gateshead LONDON OFFICE: Dunster House, Mirk Lane, London, E.C.3.

Telephone: MINcing Lane, 8345-6-7 Grams: 'Cyclops" Easphone, London * M A N U F A C T U R E R S C WINCHES, W I N D L A S S E C A P S T A N S , PUMP S E A R C H L I G H T S AN FLOODLIGHTS ETC..