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A Whaler from H.M.S. Bulwark

Fishguard, Pembrokeshire. — At 2.55 on the morning of the 27th of July, 1957, the coastguard telephoned that a naval whaler was in difficulties one mile north-cast of Strumble Head.

The life-boat Howard Marryat was launched at 3.33 in a rough sea.

There was a strong westerly breeze blowing and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat came up with a whaler from H.M.S. Bulwark with six naval ratings on board. They were taken on board the life-boat and a member of the life-boat's crew was transferred to the whaler. The life-boat then towed the whaler to Fishguard, arriving at five o'clock. The Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, sent a letter of thanks to the Institution.—Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 12s..