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A Rowing Dinghy

Whitby, Yorkshire.—On the afternoon of the 27th of July, 1957, the no. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was finishing a demonstration of a rescue by breeches buoy during an exercise in Whitby harbour when a message was received that a small boat was in difficulties three-quarters of a mile north-east of the coastguard station.

The time was 3.31, and the life-boatimmediately put out in a calm sea.

There was a gentle south-westerly breeze blowing and the tide was flood- ing. The life-boat came up with a 14-feet rowing dinghy with a young boy and girl aboard, who were being carried out to sea. The children were taken on board the life-boat, which towed the dinghy, with a member of the life-boat's crew on board, to the quayside, arriving at four o'clock.

The life-boat then continued with her exercise.—Rewards to the crew, £10; rewards to the helpers on shore, 15s..