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A Rowing Boat and Dinghy

Llandudno, Caernarvonshire. — At 11.15 on the morning of the 7th of September 1957, the police reported that a rowing boat with two girls and two young men on board was in diffi- culties in Colwyn Bay. The life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield was launchedat 11.35 in a very rough sea. There was a fresh south-westerly gale and it was high water. A dinghy fitted with an outboard motor and with a crew of two put out and took the rowing boat in tow. The rowing boat capsized, but the two girls were taken on board the dinghy. In the rough sea the dinghy then found herself in difficulties, and the life-boat took her crew of two and the two girls on board. She made an extensive but unsuccessful search for the two young men before landing the survivors at Colwyn Bay. She then put out once more and made a further search without success, finally arriving back at her station at 2.15. The two youths lost their lives.—Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £8 105..