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A Dinghy

Poole, Dorset.—At 1.55 early on the morning of the 7th of July, 1957, a telephone message was received from the police that a dinghy, which three youths had hired the evening before, was missing from Rockby Sands. At 2.15 the life-boat Thomas Kirk Wright was launched in a moderate sea.

There was a moderate south-westerly breeze blowing and the tide was flood- ing. The life-boat carried out a search along the shores of the harbour up to Wareham Channel, and she eventually found the dinghy, which had an out- board motor, alongside the barge Santille near Green Island. The skipper of the barge told the coxswain he had found the dinghy at midnight and had taken the three boys on board.

They were transferred to the life-boat and the dinghy was taken in tow to Rockby Sands, where the boys were landed. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at eight o'clock.—Rewards to the crew, £12 12s.; rewards to helpers on shore, £1 16s..